International Gastronomy

Good News...

Hello I hope everyone is busy getting ready for Thanksgiving. The Holidays brings so much excitement!
This week we have a new special place for our delicious recipes. I've created a new page called the "International Gastronomy" from now on all the recipes will be posted here.
I've been really busy getting most of my cupcakes orders made and delivered. I ran into some set backs, like not getting my containers that I mail the cupcakes in on time. The supplier is out of them! Have you ever heard of that before? I guess anything can happen and we just have to keep being positive and do the best we can.
For those of you who have not received your free cupcake yet I apologize and ask for your patience, I'll get them to you one way or another, Must get creative here. Does anyone have any suggestions? If you do please send it my way. Thank You


Tiramisu an all International dessert is loved by many.
This dessert comes to us from Italy. The beautiful and flavorful Italy.
All over the world people enjoy the generous flavors of the Italian cuisine, to some extent its part of our lives.
Recipes that were born in Italy, today is part of our day to day living. Spaghetti, Lasagna to name a few.
The desserts reveals a rich creativity and to prove it we have here the marvelous "Tiramisu"

200 gr. of semi-sweet chocolate
200 gr. of lady fingers cookies
2 cup of coffee (prepared strong)
2 tablespoons Cognac
6 eggs yolk
6 tablespoons of sugar
200 gr. mascarpone
1 cup table cream or sour cream
1 tsp vanilla
6 eggs white

Preheat the oven 300 degrees.
Cut up the chocolate in small pieces and set aside.
Place the cookies in a baking sheet, baking them for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and let it cool.
In s bowl mix the coffee and the Cognac, mix well.
Arrange cookies in a pyrex and pour coffee and Cognac mixture over the cookies. Set aside.
In a bowl mix the eggs yolk and the sugar until color changes to almost white and looks fluffy.
Mix the mascarpone and the cream in a bowl with electric mixer until its a consistent cream. Add the egg yolk cream, vanilla and mix slowly with wooden spoon. Set aside.
Beat the eggs white with electric mixer until firm and peaks form.
Mix it to the cream mixture and mix it all together very slowly with wooden spoon or spatula, so the creams won't loose the volume and is well mixed.
In a separate pyrex get the cookies that are already prepared with the coffee and cognac layer them in the bottom of the pyrex until the pyrex is completely covered. Distribute 1/2 of the cream on top of the cookies, sprinkle the pieces of chocolate and cover again with the cookies. Repeat this procedure ending with the cream and the pieces of chocolate. Cover it with foil and refrigerate for 2 hours before serving.

Bon Apetit!

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Directly from France...


1 1/4 cup milk
2 eggs
1 tea spoon of melted butter
1 tea spoon orange liquor of Grand Marnier
1 cup of sifted flour
pinch of salt
canola oil

100 grams of butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup orange juice
1 table spoon lemon juice
2 table spoon of orange liquor or Grand Marnier
1/4 cup of Congnac
Orange peels strips to decorate if you would like.

Mix all the Crepes ingredients in the food processor and mix well without letting it over mix and air bubbles come up. Transfer to a glass bowl, cover it and let it rest for 2 hrs or leave it over night in the refrigerator.

Preheat a frying pan with the oil and make thin crepes (like making a very thin pancake)when the borders of the crepe turns golden brown turn them to the other side. Make sure you spread the batter to cover the frying pan. the crepes need to be a little big because we are going to fold them.
After removing the crepes from the pan fold them in 4's and transfer them to a glass pyrex and reserve.

For the Syrup:
In a large skillet add the butter,the sugar and the orange juice and lemon juice. Bring it to a boil, always stirring it with a wooden spoon. Let it melt completely and boil until it begin to thicken. Add the orange liquor and mix for a few seconds.
Add to this syrup the folded crepes carefully so they don't overlap each other let them cook in low heat for about 2 minutes. Turn them to the other side again being careful not to overlap. They need to get soaked with the syrup.
Just before serving pour the cognac on top of crepes in the skillet and the orange strips, light the mixture with a match and serve before the flames goes out.
Bon Appetit!

Variations on how to serve it.
You can also fill the crepes with fruits, such as strawberries and fold the crepe once.Top it with whipped cream and... voila! A beautiful Strawberry Crepe...Enjoy!

If you enjoyed this recipe please share with your friends. Thanks