Friday, October 29, 2010


Tiramisu an all International dessert is loved by many.
This dessert comes to us from Italy. The beautiful and flavorful Italy.
All over the world people enjoy the generous flavors of the Italian cuisine, to some extent its part of our lives.
Recipes that were born in Italy, today is part of our day to day living. Spaghetti, Lasagna to name a few.
The desserts reveals a rich creativity and to prove it we have here the marvelous "Tiramisu"

200 gr. of semi-sweet chocolate
200 gr. of lady fingers cookies
2 cup of coffee (prepared strong)
2 tablespoons Cognac
6 eggs yolk
6 tablespoons of sugar
200 gr. mascarpone
1 cup table cream or sour cream
1 tsp vanilla
6 eggs white

Preheat the oven 300 degrees.
Cut up the chocolate in small pieces and set aside.
Place the cookies in a baking sheet, baking them for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and let it cool.
In s bowl mix the coffee and the Cognac, mix well.
Arrange cookies in a pyrex and pour coffee and Cognac mixture over the cookies. Set aside.
In a bowl mix the eggs yolk and the sugar until color changes to almost white and looks fluffy.
Mix the mascarpone and the cream in a bowl with electric mixer until its a consistent cream. Add the egg yolk cream, vanilla and mix slowly with wooden spoon. Set aside.
Beat the eggs white with electric mixer until firm and peaks form.
Mix it to the cream mixture and mix it all together very slowly with wooden spoon or spatula, so the creams won't loose the volume and is well mixed.
In a separate pyrex get the cookies that are already prepared with the coffee and cognac layer them in the bottom of the pyrex until the pyrex is completely covered. Distribute 1/2 of the cream on top of the cookies, sprinkle the pieces of chocolate and cover again with the cookies. Repeat this procedure ending with the cream and the pieces of chocolate. Cover it with foil and refrigerate for 2 hours before serving.

Bon Apetit!

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Tips for Baking great Cupcakes

Cupcake Baking Tips• Every pan, liner, and oven are different so you should monitor your first batch of cupcakes closely. Check after 10 minutes of baking time to insure that your cupcakes are cooking evenly. You may need to turn the cupcakes halfway through baking time to guarantee even baking if your oven cooks faster towards the rear of the oven.

• Do not overfill your liners. Filling liners 1/2 to 2/3 full is plenty for regular size cupcakes. If you overfill, the batter will spill out on top of the pan, and you will have a sticky, gooey mess to clean up.

• Bake all of our cupcake recipes on the middle rack of your oven unless otherwise noted.

• It is a personal decision whether or not to use cupcake liners when you prepare cupcake recipes. If not using liners, you will need to butter and flour the individual sections of your cupcake pans. Store bought sprays that combine butter and flour work well for this purpose. Even if you use this type of spray, you still run the risk of having your beautiful cupcakes stick to the edges of the cooking pan.

• Cupcake liners are inexpensive and easy to use. They not only make cleanup easier, but they add to the decoration of your cupcakes. You may use paper or foil cupcake liners. The choice is yours.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Frosted Kiss Cupcakes Fans

I just wanted to say thank you to all the family and friends who are sooooo… excited with the opening of  Frosted Kiss Cupcakes
Thanks for all the phone calls, orders & amazing support!

The International Gastronomy

Simple & delicious

This is a series of my best “International” recipes. I say my because these are the delicacies I’ve been
preparing for years and are the ones everyone loves.
If we really think about it we realize that when we love to cook and bake, we can travel all over the world, tasting the best of the International Cuisine without living  our dinner table.
Tonight I prepared a ”Flan” for my son-in-law because it was his birthday and that’s the only gift he always ask me for. In Portuguese it’s called “Pudim”
If you go to Brazil in any state, any city, any weekend and any home, you’ll probably be offered pudim with coffee. This dessert is very popular, super delicious and easy to make.
Where did this famous Flan come from? The answer is a bit complicated because Flan is an ancient dessert prepared in different ways all over the world. So I believe no country can really claim
this dessert as their own. Each country adds their special touch to the basically same recipe.
Here is the one I make and I like to think that  it is a Brazilian Flan.
Ingredients for the Flan:   8 eggs-  2 cans of condensed milk-  2 cans of evaporated milk-  2 teaspoons of real vanilla extract 
Beat the eggs in the blender at high-speed, when eggs are somewhat fluffy add the evaporated milk and mix 
some more , add the condensed milk and mix for about another 10 seconds, add vanilla and mix for a second. Turn off blender and reserve.
Ingredients for the caramel sauce:  2 cups of granulated sugar.
Pour the sugar in median sauce pan and over medium heat stir the sugar until it melts completely.
Carefully pour caramel over a bundt cake pan and swirl it around slowly to cover all areas of the pan. Turn blender on again for 2 seconds to remix the flan and pour
mixture into the caramelized bundt pan.   
Get a round dish big enough so the bundt pan will fit inside of it. Fill the round dish  half way with water, put the bundt pan inside.
Cover the bundt pan with foil making sure all sides are tightly sealed and bake  in 350 degrees oven for about an hour or until toothpick comes out clean. 
Let it cool , place it the refrigerator about 2 hours, turn flan over on a large pretty round dish and serve with coffee or tea.
There are many variations to this recipe:
You can add 1 cup of real coconut milk for a lighter tropical taste or 
add 4 table spoons of Parmesan cheese for a delightful sharp cheese taste.
or you can add cinnamon sticks to the evaporated milk an hour before, remove
the sticks before mixing with the other ingredients and voila… You have Mexican flan!
I hope you enjoy this dessert as much as we have.

You can garnish with different fruits too.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to e-mail me at and ask. I’ll be delighted to answer any questions concerning this recipe


Hello Cupcakes lovers.
I want to welcome you to Frosted Kiss Cupcakes’s Blog.
Please sign up. I just want to send you a very special gift. One of our delicious cupcakes. Also I will be sending a news letter with special recipes for the holidays that are just around the corner.
I am planning a lot of fun for all of us here in our special place so come in, make yourself at home!
You can also e-mail me with your birthday,I will always send you  a special cupcake for the special occasion, just a small way to say thanks for visiting our blog.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Giving is the best gift you can receive.

Since I was a little girl I've always been very giving.
When I was 7 my mom bought me a gold bracelet and had my name engraved on it for my birthday. After she took me to the movies. While there a little girl sitting next to me looked at my bracelet and said: Ahh this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, I wish I could have one. Immediately without thinking I took the bracelet from my arm and gave it to her saying; Here you can have it.
Needless to say when my mom found out on our way home, she was just furious and grounded me the whole weekend and cancelled my birthday party.
Well that did not change who I was, and as far as I can remember I was always getting in trouble for giving too much.

The reason why I am sharing this story with you is because I want to announce that it gives me tremendous satisfaction to soon be able to send everyone a special "Frosted Kiss Cupcakes" cupcake for you to enjoy and impress your taste buds!

Over the years as I , we , the world watches the plait in Africa I often ask myself; why can't we help more, why can't we give more. That's why I have teemed up with a great organization Marera Community Self-help Project to give 15% of all sales of to help African women and children to empower themselves through profitable work, health care and schooling for their children and themselves.
Please help more,  click on to find out more and become an active force that makes a difference.
Thank You.
